Music of the Spheres

Screen shot 2013-11-10 at 11.13.12Music of the Spheres explores the science of music through creativity, using technology and everyday materials around us to teach music, science, maths, art and design. Using a cross-curricular approach the participants create their own instruments and produce a musical finale.
Music of the Spheres encourages participants to develop and express their ideas using group discussion and problem solving, providing a platform for creative learning regardless of their age or skill.
Cosmic Concert
The workshop participants have the opportunity to present their creations in a finale – the Cosmic Concert.
The finale is accompanied by visual projections representing the sound and music created by the participants through an immersive theatre installation, where participants can use computer graphics, technology developed to represent sounds into visuals, film and art to be displayed while they play.
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Keywords: Special Educational Needs, Creative Learning, Cross – Curricula

Titan Descent Data Movie with Bells and Whistles – Movie

This movie and musical masterpiece was created through gathering information from the Huygens probe, a specially engineered spacecraft that was designed to descend through the atmosphere of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan and land on the surface to explore another world. Scientific instruments onboard the Huygen’s spacecraft measured the motion and speed at which the Huygen’s probe was dropping through the atmosphere of Titan, the “bells and whistles” are the 13 different chimes transmitted  from each of the 13 instruments onboard Huygens to keep track of photos taken of the descent to the surface. The data collected during the European Space Agency’s Huygens probe on Jan. 14, 2005, shows the operation of the Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer camera during its descent and after touchdown.

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