The Invisible Universe

How do astronomers see the invisible?

This workshop looks at building Optical Telescopes, Radio Telescopes, and conducting experiments to observe the visible and invisible Universe.

Invisible Universe

To unravel all secrets that are hidden in the Universe, we still need many generations of astronomers.  Not until recently have we been able to look at the Universe with the help of other sorts of light than just visible light. Radio-, infrared-, gamma-, UV- and X-rays give astronomers a peek into a completely new world: the ‘invisible’ Universe.

The Workshop is suitable for young people from ages 4 upwards and covers cross-curricular themes:

Key Stage 1

Subjects: Science


Unit 1A Ourselves: Parts of the body, The five senses, animals and humans, Living and non-living things,

The Sun, Light and Seeing, Sources of Light, Using Lights at Night, Seeing in the Dark, Shiny Objects and Light Sources

Key Stage 2

Subjects: Science

Units: Enquiry in Environmental and Technological Contexts, Earth ,Sun and Moon,

Key Stage 3

Subjects: Science


Key Stage 4

Subjects: Science


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