Cosmos Mobile Science & Technology Centre

Cosmos Mobile Science & Technology Centre 

The Cosmos Mobile Science & Technology Centre is a mobile  science research and public outreach facility which brings engaging activities to communities around the world.

Our twenty-first-century learning and exploring laboratory, with inspirational exhibits, brings a science and technology centre to your neighbourhood

Our goal is to tackle poverty in the world’s most deprived communities through providing science education and training workshops for gaining skills to contribute towards social and economic development. Cosmos science centre logo v2 Our aim is to bring the centre directly to children and communities who have little or no access to schooling to enable them to receive an education and acquire key skills to benefit their lives. It acts as a mobile laboratory for research along with touring interactive exhibits, demonstrative technologies and immersive environments. Screen shot 2013-11-10 at 10.01.06 Science Busking, fun experiments, lively demonstrations, 360 degree surround sound and visual immersive cinema and theatre, feed your curiosity through discovery and exploration ! Here is a list of just some of our exhibits and workshops:

Cosmos Mobile Science Centre

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