Cyprus Science Festival

Cyprus Science Festival Logo

The Cyprus Science Festival has been established as the island’s first science festival and created by a group of dedicated scientists, researchers and science communicators dedicated to the public engagement of science and have a background in organising science oriented events. The first edition of the Cyprus Science Festival took place during April 2011 and our fourth festival will take place in April 2014.

The core activities of the Cyprus Science Festival will be to provide events and projects which engage every member of Cypriot society. Activities aim to be inspirational, engaging, motivational and accessible to all members of the community who want to participate in the Festival.

The CSF promotes; lifelong learning, challenging stereotypes, increasing citizens knowledge of STEM, increasing public participation in science oriented events, increasing students expectations for their learning and future careers, extending learning to outside the classroom and developing an outward looking positive attitude by Cypriot Society to Science and Technology.

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